The Autumn/Fall Equinox arrived this week, bringing the harvest home festival, the gathering time, when we prepare for the cold and shorter days... Now day and night are equal, and we turn our thoughts again to balance.
I'm writing and looking at this tree outside my window, sunbeams lighting up her first yellow and red leaves on one side, while the other still shows green ...
... Autumn magic! The transition of seasons, the changing of colours, from Earth to Sky, the start of a new cycle; a new cycle in Nature, a new cycle for ourselves; time of changes and evaluations. Did we plant enough of the right things? Have we nurtured what will truly feed us?
Above all, this is a time to give thanks, to offer gratitude for what we have, and to remember the balance of all elements that sustain our lives. Gratitude to Mother Earth, the living soil that grows food, to the air we breath, to the sun's warm rays, to the life-giving rain and the flowing, cleansing waters. Gratitude toward our community, to our family and loved ones, and to all families and beings that are linked in the web of life.
Gratitude is the counter to greed. If we neglect to say thanks for what we have, we feel eternally dissatisfied, and need more and more. When we are thankful for all we have been given, then we need very little in order to feel surrounded by abundance.
Harvest time is the Spleen season as I shared in the post below (Harvest Moon). Spleen direction is the center, our lower abdomen is named as our hara, in Taoist terms as your "lower tan tien." The spleen is related with two meridians, the spleen itself and the stomach, and have you heard: "you have your brain in your stomach?" Just think about the times you feel nervous, happy, anxious, "butterflies in the belly"- everything that happens to us resonates in our center! Keep it strong, thus your mind will be calm and your body will move with ease and power:
***Place your hands on your centre, sit up straight and inhale deeply; hold the breath for a moment, focusing on your centre; exhale slowly, and imagine any tension leaving your body.
**For a more powerful practice do the spleen/stomach healing sound:
Breathe out HOOOOOOOO (like a guttural sound) as you release worry, anxiety, stress, guilt and pity back to the Earth. Then breath in the golden light of serenity, centering, openness, fairness and grounding. If you want to add the movement, press the fingers into your left abdomen/ribcage and lean slightly forward.
This time of harvest and beginning of Autumn is the best for you to eat the rich natural sweets of the season like the pumpkin, squash, corn, oranges...
And do you know!...Oranges attract prosperity and luck; and you know already that its good for vitamin C reinforcement to prepare us for the cold! And Corn grants protection and attracts luck as well!
Now with the Autumn, we come into in the season of the lungs, the metal element of mystery, of swords and shields, coins, boxes and silver-backed mirrors. Ancient Alchemist sought to transform metal into gold, a metaphor for transmutation of lust to love.
***Be aware of your lungs, smile at them, breathing in the crystalline white light of courage.
We need courage for times of change...
Like the fruits of the vine, our lives too can change and ferment. Celebrate the ever changing nature of life, dreams, and goals as you toast the sacred ingredients- friends, family, and familiars- the loving relationships that mellow and ferment you.
We had a radiant Summer full of successful workshops, where i had the opportunity to meet beautiful women who I hope to continue to see in this new season. And let me share the changes in the Universal Healing Tao Centre UK:
- We had a great Tai Chi Camp with a Yin predominance for the first time! Watch (with sound!) the fantastic Video
- Congratulations to new Taoist Trainers, after their completion of Step 8 Tao of High Degree Retreat at Monchique in Algarve, Portugal. The first ones who completed so far: Matt Lewis, Tanya McCormack, Annie Hooley and myself!
- The NEW Jade Circle Level 2 - All women who have already come to a Jade Circle before and heard the Jade Egg explanation are welcome! After a few requests, I decided to start this level 2 with the aim to give more practical time, skipping the explanation part of the Jade Egg.
We're going to focus on the Jade Egg secrets and practice the powerful Jade Egg exercises! Such a great start for this new circle of the new season!
No Need to Book! just come on by, from 6.30 to about 8.30pm @ The Universal Healing Tao Centre, 68 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3JT
Next Jade Circle Level 1 Join me on Friday 9th October
No Need to Book! Just come on by, from 6.30 to about 8.30pm @ The Universal Healing Tao Centre, 68 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3JT