Hello Warrior Woman!
Yes, we all have this warrior within ourselves, who gives us the courage and the strength to go for it no matter what, to stand up for ourselves when we need to...
" If she advances confidently in the direction of her dreams, and endeavors to live the life she has imagined, she will meet with success unexpected in common hours."
We're in the Autumn, the season of the lungs, with the virtues of courage, self-confidence and uprightness; the element is Metal, that reflects and inspires, cuts and contains!
When I think about metal I imagine a sword. The sword stands for decisive, clear thought.
To awake the warrior within:
** Sit quietly, focusing on the breath coming and going through your nose. When totally relaxed, inhale deeply... Smile at your lungs, appreciating all they do to to sustain your life...keep breathing deeply... And now imagine a white sword of light which carries all the courage and self-confidence for you to be who you are, to be yourself; the courage for you to do all you need to do!...
Support from the mineral kingdom, "the stone people":
** Aquamarine the stone of courage and feminine empowerment. It helps one realize that not all power comes from force- there is also tremendous power in aligning oneself with the yielding, resilient vitality of life. It is a doorway to connect with the Goddess, both within the self and in Her outer manifestations.
Our history and mythology has been marked with Warrior-Women and Goddesses who showed their courage and uprightness. They have been admired and worshipped for centuries:

Joan of Arc is a national heroine of France and a Catholic saint, who led the French

Anamarta at Sri Durgiana, The Silver Temple, Amristar
Athena Greek

Neith was the predynastic Goddess of war and weaving, the Goddess of the Red Crown of Lower Egypt and patron Goddess of Zau in the Delta. The Egyptians believed her to be an ancient and wise Goddess, to whom the other Gods came if they could not resolve their own disputes.