How is being your Summer?
This time of connecting with the fire within, with our yang energy of doing!
And this time of doing its balanced and sparkly with the heart virtues of love, joy,
happiness, laughter, passion, enthusiasm, motivation.

A time of being out enjoying the warm sunshine, be spontaneous, having fun and spending time with loved ones!
I just got back from Portugal, where I connected and embraced the latin fire with loooots of laughter, fun and company of dear friends and family; then back to London to facilitate a lovely Step 2, where the Jade Circle ladies filled up the room with their radiant presence! So happy and proud to have them there!
I've been enjoying learning to balance sacredness with irreverence.
Looks like every time I start to get too serious or stressed, yes, caught in the web of the adult world we create, something happens which makes me realise... but for what?! And I
end up of laughing at myself, yes, sometimes the lesson is even painful, but I laugh; so much more uplifting!...
- Here a great exercise: laughing at yourself!! I'm sure you've some reasons, episodes in your life, even attitudes, situations you had at the time were not funny at all , but now you can laugh of them! And when we can laugh at ourselves, we can make others truly laugh. Generating all good feelings, and I believe a much lighter surroundings and world!
"..laughing is a transforming and uplifting exercise, not only in a physical sense, but also mentally and spiritually..."
" The view will always expand if we use the Divine Medicine of Laughter. Nothing is beyond repair. We may need to use comedy t
o crack a smile so we can reclaim our Sacred Space."
Jamie Sams
Sometimes we really cannot change what is happening around us, things which are out of out control (like stuck in the traffic, train when going to get a plane or on our way to an important meeting, etc... I'm sure you can think about various examples...), but we always have in our hands the way we respond to it.
Definitely the Taoist practices help me to support this way of being, with the powerful and simple tools it offer to keep the harmony of my internal universe, just the deep awareness of my physical, emotional and energetic bodies and like this deal with them and take the most of the things they have to offer.
And one of my favourite practices, for the ones who know me, guess? Yes, that's right, smile!!:) I wrote a post about it: Smile And...Smile!! And definitely the laughing chi kung - what a burst of fresh and energizing chi!
- Try it! Just laugh, with the laughing chi kung with do it with different kind of laughs, starting with ohohohoh, then wowowowow, then ahahahahah, then heheheheh, and finish with hihiihiihiih. You laugh, you'll bounce your body, which its great for your uterus to move a bit, a fantastic to open your throat, which its connect with your sexual centre, a yin & yang connection, being one your creative center and the other the way you express your creativity, your truth, yourself - if one its blocked will reflect in the other and vice-versa - so this exercise its a important complement for your Jade Egg practice. And you'll feel great and energize after it!!
Laughter actually increases production of an antibody that is responsible for our first line of defense against bacterial infection.
Laughter, love making and exercise are the best medicine of all!
"Humour is essential for balancing the energies in our organs. Humour is great regulator helping us to look with a sense of relativity, playfulness and lightness at ourselves. It is an expression of compassionate energy of the heart which helps to look with a sense of detachment at ourselves and not take ourselves so seriously that it becomes difficult to relax and be a witness rather than a severe judge." Mantak Chia in Cosmic Fusion.
If you want to learn more about this profound Fusion of 5 Elements practice, we have just a few places left on our annual workshop at the end of the coming week.