With a big smile on my face I'm writing this post full of news!...
look forward to see you and sharing the Divine inspiration, beauty and
empowerment I got in this last month in Hawaii as I did a pilgrimage in
name of the Jade Circle (as it started as the: Taoist Practice for Women
in the path of Kuan Yin), to Goddess Kuan Yin, in a magical place,
where I felt deeply touched with her compassion and light (literally as I
approach her the rain stopped and the sun shone out of a cloud!)... and
this Yin Power was completed when I received the Yang from the Hawaiian
Goddess Pele, known as the Goddess of Fire. I worshiped Her in Her
home, Kilauae Volcano, for an empowering experience, truly blessings to
add to our Circle.
New Year with New Jade Circles and more newness that will unfold in coming months.
For now, what about the Circles?
I had to adjust the time of the Jade Circles sessions and their prices,
so please have a look below.
Friday 11th with the first New Moon of New Year Jade Circle Level 2,
what a great start! With the empowerment of the yin peak of the moon and
all the energy of new beginning it brings with her!
This New Moon is in Capricorn and here a thought for some of the things is relate to:
I'm dedicated, responsible and confident in everything I undertake; I achieve my ambitions and fulfil my destiny.
And while I was there with my partner beloved Kris we did a video where you can find a bit more about us, about our sharing of the Taoist Practice. The video is up in our Universal Healing Tao FB, you can like it there and indeed the page! (It's another way to keep in touch with Jade Circle events.)
still have a month of the Dragon year, and what a strong year!...So
much transformation and awareness, sparkled with surprises bringing
challenges and delights...
year highlights, (besides all the lovely and amazing women who I had
the pleasure to meet and have in the Circles & workshops):
** Having my first student, as well dear friend, fairy sister Máire Ni Ghiobaláin qualify as a Taoist Practitioner status
certified to teach Jade Circle, Kuan Yin Chi Kung and beginners Tai
Chi. I'm so proud of her and happy to announce that her Jade Circle in
Dublin has started already with great success!! This year the Travelling Circle first stop will be in Dublin Jade Circle workshop back in fairyland!
** Working,
sharing the practice with pregnant women (and having a few of my dear
students and friends becoming pregnant), so inspiring, I absolutely love
it! And started the new year with a private session with one!
my dear friend, Portuguese sister Ines do Vale for giving birth to
beautiful Eva yesterday, bringing so much joy and happiness to my and
all the others aunties' heart! :)
More News:
*** Kris Deva North's new e-book -
his first work of fiction (for adults!) a collection of rather
colourful short stories before Harry slipped onto the spirit-path: Love to Die For - The Outrageous Affairs of Captain Harry West before he discovered Tantra.
For an overview of these stories and free samples, click here and to hear one, click here
New Year with New Jade Circles:
Circle Level 2 will be now 1,5h, as we skip the Jade Egg Holistic
practices explanation, we go straight into practice and still focusing
on a theme. This will be follow by the Advanced Jade Circle (for the
women who have done the Jade Circle workshop, click here to learn more)
Friday 11th January - Jade Circle Level 2 - (All women who have already come to a Jade Circle before and heard the Jade Egg Holistic Practice explanation are welcome!)
and setting intentions to 2013, taking the most of the New Moon new
beginning energies and the yin peak of the moon cycle...!
No Need to Book! just come on by, from 6.45 to 8.15pm @ The Universal Healing Tao Centre UK, 68 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3JT
No Need to Book! just come on by, from 6.45 to 8.15pm @ The Universal Healing Tao Centre UK, 68 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3JT
Circle Level 1 will be still 2h, where I present the Jade Egg Holistic
Practices, which means a talk thru' it, with the opportunity to clear
questions, curiosities and sharing, this includes the explanation of the
Jade Egg, and then the session is follow by some practice (meditation,
chi kung and our specific women practices).
16th January ~ Jace Circle Level 1 - All women are welcome!
No Need to Book! just come on by, from 6.45 to 8.45pm @ the same place