Happy Snake Year!!
she is approaching with the Dark (New) Moon this Sunday 10th! Dragon
sheds wings, claws, horns and beard to slither into Snake, signifying
renewed hope for a better tomorrow ... a New Year for a New You - a
Chinese New Year Evolution!
Water Snake, a truly feminine year in all respects! Embracing the
yin qualities, innate to us women, (and men have them too, in a
different proportion, but they have as well their yin, feminine side as
we have our yang, masculine side), the mysterious, the intuition, the
The secretive, deep and powerful Snake, full of silent wisdom,
which sometimes can be misinterpreted and feared. The Snake who feels
and senses its way through life, in the mundane the planner, in the
spiritual represents rebirth as it sheds its skin; as well the one who
raises cosmic awareness, connects with the source of life, the unknown
and the magician within, and magic is no more than a change of
Water Snake year brings the power to clear (shedding skin, letting go
what no longer serves in all levels) and to create, new or rebirth of
self; and thus paves the path to manifest your dreams!
back to the Snake, as it is powerful totem even deified in different
ancient cultures across the world, and almost all agree that Snake is a
symbol of rebirth and renewal.
can share what I learned with the Kalbelia people, the snake charmers,
Sapera (known as 'Jogi' nomad people) caste of Rajasthan, North India,
where I spend some time and live with them while I'm learning their
sensual and fiery Gypsy Kalbelia Dance,
in which the dancer replicate the movements of a snake to the sound of
various instruments, including the poongi (the snake, cobra flute), the
black dress she wears represents the snake and kalbelia literally means
friends of snake; for them Snake is God. But interesting enough I came
across this: "In Eastern Indian myth the Sanskrit word for snake is naga
and these are associated with the element of water. Picking up water's
symbolism of emotion, love and motion, nagas in this light are
considered a feminine aspect and embody nurturing, benevolent, wise

nature of the deeply feeling Snake year is gradual and gathered
strength, bringing a more moderate than radical year. During Snake
years, our concerns turn toward inner-growth, spirituality and
discovering the reasons behind things".
Snake is naturally not just sensual but sexual, and in such a powerful
way that can hypnotize, so definitely something to remember this year.
Surprises, illusions, being aware that the biggest illusion is no more
than what we want to believe and perceive. Although I believe it also
brings the opportunity to open up to beauty in all forms, in all places,
the expression of our natural sensual and sexual selves in a pure and
sacred way.
reinforce this Feminine Chinese New Year 2013!! Starting with the
numerology, add 2+1+3=6 the number of love, perfect union, harmony,
truth and justice, (and in the medicine cards the number of the
Snake!). "The
6 vibration is ruled by Venus and this year we are drawn to create
harmony in the home, to nurture the good in ourselves and in our
relationships, and to grow through our families, friendships and
community. By living in right-relationship with the Earth in our
everyday lives, our actions and caring will affect the whole planet in
many unseen and yet profound ways." adapted by Glennie Kindred.
And the number 13, the Divine Feminine, the Goddess, us!!
2013 the return of the Goddess, and obviously that is in our hands!... "As the Maya and many indigenous elders say, it is a time to re-establish our connection with the Earth and to open our hearts to the wisdom of the feminine in order to restore a balance between the male and female energies."
13 is a special and magical number for us women as we associated with the 13 Full Moons we usually have in a year, link with 13 times we bleed (have our moontime, menstruation) during this period; as well associate with the sacred feminine, psyche power, magic, emotion in various traditions, from ancient times to modern ones.
And the number 13, the Divine Feminine, the Goddess, us!!
2013 the return of the Goddess, and obviously that is in our hands!... "As the Maya and many indigenous elders say, it is a time to re-establish our connection with the Earth and to open our hearts to the wisdom of the feminine in order to restore a balance between the male and female energies."
13 is a special and magical number for us women as we associated with the 13 Full Moons we usually have in a year, link with 13 times we bleed (have our moontime, menstruation) during this period; as well associate with the sacred feminine, psyche power, magic, emotion in various traditions, from ancient times to modern ones.
I think for the reasons above this
number has been seen as well as 'bad luck' for some, a myth that
started essentially from dark ages of patriarchal in church and politics
when they use to burn women for their medicinal and psychic powers. And
you believe or not the the witch craft act was repealed in UK just in 1953!!...
A turtle, which represents the Earth Mother, the Goddess in Native American, for the Chinese symbol of wisdom, as actually 13 segments on her shell!...
A turtle, which represents the Earth Mother, the Goddess in Native American, for the Chinese symbol of wisdom, as actually 13 segments on her shell!...

In Native American tradition Snake is transmutation, the power of fire "The
power of snake medicine is the power of creation, for it embodies
sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension (or
immortality). The transmutation of the life-death-rebirth cycle is
exemplified by the shedding of Snake's skin." Jamie Sams in Medicine
The Kundalini, the awakening and rising of our sexual energy from the base of our spine to our crown is represent by the snake.
this dual snake imagery a step further, we could look to the language
of science. Observe the formation of DNA and how it forms a perfect,
serpentine double helix. This prompts us to consider how the energetic
mind is connected to the grander whole, and how it so effortlessly makes
graceful connections between the basic building blocks of data with the
manifestations of the natural world."
can indeed represent the symbolic bridge between lunar and solar systems
associations as well as aspects between water and fire, of yin and
Snake is a unifying force embodying infinite messages to those who are open to receive them!
delighted to be so 'alightened' with all the above, sparkling with so
much excitement already! Looking forward to the Jade Circle gatherings
and workshops of 2013 Snake Water Year! And wish you: full enjoyment on
your womanhood, to honour your intuition, let it to be your guide and
to fulfil your wildest dreams and all relate to your beautiful
feminine self (whatever this means to you, what is important is for you
to feel good about it)!