"The Jade Circle always leaves people smiling!"**
We had a very special evening and beautiful Circle, you can see it from our faces!...
The sharing comments of how people were feeling in the end were: happy, inspired, peaceful, relaxed, loved, wonderful, calm, at one, effervescent, aware, excited, new beginning!
This evening was hosted by dearest **Liz Kendall, Shiatsu in Surrey, who enthusiastically brought the Jade Egg Holistic Practice for a lovely, open and bubbly group of women from her community, with the youngest being 19 and oldest 67, how rich! And after all these years teaching in UK it was the most English group (almost 100%) I've had, and loved it! One more time thank you for all present
Until I see you again!
Here what Liz shared in her facebook page:
"15 wonderful women gathered last night for the first Jade Circle in Cobham. Thanks to Jade Circle Anamarta for sharing holistic Taoist practice, the mysteries of the Jade Egg, the Inner Smile meditation and some energising Chi Kung!"
Thank you very much Liz for everything, including your warm hospitality!