Thursday 12 October 2023

Special Lucky FRIDAY 13th!***

High Feminine Energy is in the air today, the lucky Friday 13th that usually happens once a year. Enjoy it, tune into it and make the most of it!
Why lucky? Why Feminine?

13 is a special and magical number for us women, associated with the 13 Full Moons we usually have in a year, linked with 13 times we usually bleed (have our moontime, menstruation), as our cycle links with the moon cycle.

13 is the number of blood, fertility, and lunar potency. It
 is associated with the sacred feminine, psyche power, magic, and emotion in various traditions, from ancient times to modern.

In Wicca, the Pagan Goddess tradition of Old Europe, communicants convene in covens of 13 participants. 13 was also auspicious for the Egyptians, who believed that life has 13 stages, the last of which is death, the transition to eternal life. 

When Chinese women offer moon cakes, there are sure to be 13 on the platter. 

A turtle, which represents the Earth Mother, the Goddess in Native American, for the Chinese symbol of wisdom; in the Taoist Shamanic Tradition the shell of the turtle was the original 'pakua', has actually 13 segments on her shell!...

13 is the lucky number of the Great Goddess!

Then Friday itself is ruled by Venus, the planet of transcendental beauty, of love, special self-love, sexuality, eroticism, desire, enjoyment, fun, attraction; and the planet which reminds us of our Divine Feminine within. And is associated with Goddess Freya, who brings us love, friendship, beauty, and reconciliation.
I think for the reasons above this number has been seen other than as 'bad luck', a myth that started essentially from the dark ages of patriarchy in church and politics when they used to burn women for their medicinal and psychic powers. Believe it or not, the Witchcraft Act was repealed in England in 1953!...

Digger a bit deeper, this superstition about Friday the 13th may have roots in the biblical tradition based on the belief that the 13th guest on the "last supper" was Judas, whose betrayal caused the death of Jesus. But was said that Judas were part of the 12 disciples already! I remember growing up hearing if it was 13 people in a table the youngest one would be the first to die!...
Now I wonder if the 13th guest of this "last supper" was Mary Magdalene, she had a special relationship with Jesus... Of course never mentioned by the Christian tradition, which also never mentioned the spiritual leadership that Mary Magdalene held because she was a woman. This was kept secret and just encoded in stories, only revealed nowadays from the discovery of hidden gospels.

Friday was also: the day Jesus died on the cross; that Eve served forbidden fruit pie at her legendary garden soiree, was the day that Adam was expelled from Paradise.

Do you know the superstition of the number 13th in the Western World is called triskaidekaphobia? 

I found all so interesting as from fear of the Feminine Power so much was developed, but with that lots of women lost touch with their powerful and feminine self, even the understanding of their cycles, bodies and true nature.
But I believe that is also changing and we should embrace this change to inspire others around us to do the same.

The Tao ( = the way) of Feminine Empowerment, being powerful as a Feminine Woman filled with compassion, trust, flexibility and receptiveness

Tao of Feminine Empowerment, the
Jade Circle
® Workshops which provide the tools to support us in this path, through Ancient Secrets which can be easily applied and greatly benefit our modern lives.

© Anamarta

Monday 17 July 2023

Happy Cancer New Moon! Insights, Healing & Ritual

You probably already know how strong is the influence of the moon in our planet and on ourselves!...
But for us women, Grandmother Moon symbolises our inner wisdom, intuition, and feminine mystery.  For me, She has been a source of inspiration and empowerment.
"In Astrology the Moon represents our emotions and our sense of security as we move through the world." adapted from Tannaz.

The New Moon in Cancer is approaching today, representing the Mother - who sits in the heart.  Cancer is associated with family, children, loved ones, fertility, nurturing, working with the home, ancestors and tradition.

Emotions can be in the air, as Cancer is ruled by the Moon!... 
An opportunity to go within, pay attention to your feelings and thoughts, an important yin practice, being connecting with the receptive feminine side with no fear, just allowing things to flow like water, as the feelings bring truth and awareness.
I truly believe that to feel is to heal.

Ideally a time for nurturing: to retreat into yourself to get renewed and inspired. And to retreat is definitely an act of strength (not weakness)!...

"The sign of feminine power that nurtures life…Cancer symbolizes the Great Mother of Life.
At this New Moon in Cancer, we can plant the seeds of our deepest needs and desires, watered by our sense of self-love and compassion." Cathy Pagano 

With this new lunar cycle promoting new beginnings, an opportunity to reinforce your goals or create new ones.  Focus your ideas, thoughts and meditations on positive change.
Ponder the following and give yourself a moment to listen for the answer coming from within (you also can write it down if you like). How can I:
  • Establish foundations upon which to build a fulfilled life.
  • Share my happiness and joy with my loved ones every day.
  • Nourish my soul and those I love.
In terms of Healing, Cancer is related to the stomach, breasts and lymphatic system.
Some of the practices I share with my Jade Egg Holistic Practice can support you with this healing: a combination of Healing Sounds, Inner Smile and Kuan Yin QiGong:
  • For the stomach, your "second brain", related to emotions of worry, stress and anxiety: Imagine you can breathe them all in and then breathe them all out with a guttural sound (comes from your throat) 'HOOOOOOOOO' and then place your hands in your stomach SMILE at it and imagine you are breathing in a golden light of serenity, openness, centering - feeling centered in your power***
***Another way to be centered in your power is consciously to connect with the Earth Mother, feel the soles of your feet, your body and your center; as if you had deep roots into the Earth, becoming like a tree: strong and steady.

For the breasts, which symbolise your love chi:
  • Hold your breasts and give them a little squeeze - gently pressing against your chest (this is a great thing to do, you are helping dissolve any stagnant chi/energy...) - and then give a big Smile to your breasts feeling the love, joy and happiness of your heart!... Smiling to everyone you love, everything that gives you joy and makes you happy!
(For those who have already learned the Breast Massage - keep it on doing!) 
  • Go bra-free, give them a good shake, as movement is essential to your breast health! I strongly suggest doing this every day before you wear your bra, if you have to wear it, and in your private space definitely go bra-free!... 
To the lymphatic system, which has the function of flushing the toxins out of our body:
  • The Chi Self-Massage. So specifically for this, to help the toxins to come out of your body quickly: just rub the tip of your fingers around the edges of your face and through your jaw and chin bone and under your chin. Then slide your fingers down your throat and when you feel the collar bone just go through the space between your ribs from your chest all way down your ribcage.
For Ritual, and you can do a ritual without having to prepare anything; a ritual can simply be a conscious way to focus on your intentions - this focus comes from your whole being (mind, heart, womb and soul).
  • From writing down your intentions, or/and creating symbolic acts to manifest your desires and goals...
  • Connect with water through a purifying bath with sea salt, and you can even add anything to make it more special as some herbs, rose petals or essential oils... Also by going to the sea, springs, lakes, waterfalls...
  • In feng shui the right corner furthest from the door of a room is related to love and relationships - you can put something that symbolises or you would like to symbolise your relationships from an object, crystal, photo or image, whatever has meaning for you and then light a candle.
Overall a perfect time to focus your intentions on things to do with your relationships, with self-love, with your home and your environment. 
A wonderful time to go out in nature and connect directly with the Heart of the Earth, to feel the grounding, to feel the support, to feel the inner peace and deeply nurture yourself.
© Anamarta