The bliss of being a woman in this life makes me appreciate every day to the Universe.
We’ve the support of Great Mother Earth, a gift for us women to receive Her abundant, serene, centering, sensuous energy! And we’ve the Grandmother Moon who illuminates us in the dark, inspiring us, and arousing our connection with our intuition and feminine mystery.
Today we celebrate the International Women’s Day! Such a good time to connect with the Goddess within you and thus empower the Divine Femine, which emanates a soft, soothing energy that engenders feelings of comfort, safety, nurturing, and stimulates joy, happiness and relaxation. And this connects us to the frequency of Divine Love, compassion and true appreciation for all experiences and creation, developing trust in the Universe to provide for all our needs.
All of us have both yin and yang energy; but our yin predominant energy make us to be a woman! Enjoy it! Live it in the fullest! And celebrate!
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