Friday, 29 January 2010

Magical Celebration of the Divine Feminine!

I once heard that when women gather together, magic happens! Absolutely!... Our last workshop was proof, with the celebration of the Divine feminine within and its outer manifestation. This gathering of amazing women all contributed to our pool of feminine knowledge! We had a special day connecting with our yin energy, enjoying it to the full, sharing and supporting each other's journey, as true sisterhood! Each Goddess shone her power in a different way, working as a mirror for all present. I'm still vibrating from the weekend, and so deeply appreciate this blessing of working with such magnificent women along my path, sharing my teachings, learning from others' experiences and inspiring presence!
Thank you magical Goddesses!
Here's our sparkling picture:
Thank you for your feedback!
  • "A truly inspiring and worthwhile workshop, presented in a creative and practical way. Thank you!"V.C.
  • "I think that is a beautifully natural, imaginative, compassionate and light touch about Anamarta teachings. I also feel reassured that the teacher lives the life! I loved the use of stones, cards and other symbolic things to enable us to open up and discover...Thank you."L.R.

  • "It was lovely to be in a space filled with so much sweetness, calmness and joy. This was possible because of the presence of all women and you Anamarta -big inspiration."J.Z.
  • "After the amazing summer workshop with Anamarta I knew I have to come to the Yin Peak to continue the "magical" transformation and the journey as a woman. I feel deeply connected with the Infinite Inner Wisdom and that I take so many blessings with me. Thank you Anamarta for being such an amazing teacher and an inspirational woman." D.V.

  • "This workshop is very important in women's lives. It supports shedding of shadows and blossoming into full potential. It is a gentle practice that helps with confidence. Its lovely!..."M.G.
  • "...everything felt very supportive...I think Anamarta hold a very relaxed space - I certainly felt very comfortable with in it... Lovely to do healing sounds & inner smile...what a wonderful group of Goddesses...Thanks so much to them & to Anamarta for making the space (physical e energetically)..." J.N.

  • "I really enjoyed the workshop... I felt the benefit of acknowledging the Goddess within each one of us, and found the mirror very powerful and beneficial. The group size worked well, was not too crowded for space, yet there was enough of us to share and reflect." R.B.
  • "Thank you so so much for such a wonderful day. Just very inspiring." A.M.