Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Harvest Time

Here we are in transition of seasons, in Taoist terms we just left the Heart season (the Summer) to the Spleen season, the Earth Element, Harvest time, or known as well as Indian Summer, time of deep gratitude and enjoyment for the sweetness of life!

The organs associated are the spleen and stomach, which relate to the centre of our being and has the feeling of pause before and after movement and change. The virtues are openness and serenity, grounding and centering.

Open your heart, mind and body to the flow of the abundant Mother Earth of the creative force, use Her energy to aid you, and you will be healed enough to share this energy with others. This openness will be balanced with a sense of being centered in one's own power and deeply rooted into the Earth.

Here a feeling good suggestions for the time being:
  • Stop, take a deep breath, connect with the end of your left ribcage and: SMILE at your spleen and BE SERENE... call upon all the virtues of Mother Earth of openness, fairness, centering and grounding; and imagine, feel, visualize yourself expanding limitless as the Great Mother, with infinitive beauty and resources to embrace every day life gift, including the challenges that make us grow and bring us awakening.
  • "Gratitude is the heart memory." - Make a list of the things you are grateful for, and from that grateful place in your heart, appreciate the treasures (people, places, situations, opportunities, etc...) you have, that make your heart smile, and appreciate even more your life and presence in this world.
I take the opportunity to express the gratitute which is filling my heart to all my students and soul sisters, for your inspirational presence, and to all who keep contributing for the expansion of our Circle in different ways.

This year the Jade Circle Tour started in March and still goes on! I had the pleasure to teach in some of the 'coolest and alternative cities' in Europe, the new ones all start in B ;) Brighton, Berlin and now Barcelona!! The last wshop for the Jade Egg Holistic Practice Initiation in Europa this year! (October I'm back in India and December Mexico Retreat!)

We had as well an amazing Summer with the Healing Tao UK (and Ireland; as we went to do a Step 3 there for the first time!), where the Jade Goddesses predominance was in all the mixed groups, Step 2, Step 3, Tai Chi Camp and this last weekend Step 4 (photo coming soon in the Healing Tao FB page).

And finishing by welcoming the beautiful new babies of this Snake year, even the ones from a few months ago, but in Portuguese we say that "the greetings are never late":

** My niece, Serena Louise who born just with the start of the day at 4.18am of 30th March, my precious gift before go to India; congratulations to my sister-in-law Sarah and brother Nuno, and thank you for make me such a happy auntie!

And the expected 100% ;) Jade Circle babies, from Jade Goddesses sisters:

** Eden Rose, who born at 10pm of 24th April; congratulations dearest Joanna and Robert!

** Orion, who born at 6.58am of 16th August; congratulations dearest Elena and Simon!

© Anamarta

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