Saturday, 22 February 2014


Are you ready for rebirth?
This theme can be approached in various ways, but as in the Tao, you'll have your own way, according to your own needs to explore and embrace it.

And something that inspires me is the fact that every time we let go what no longer serves us we create space for new to flow and grow! As light can not exist without dark, but we can keep within the light, the very Taoist approach of transforming the negative to cultivate the positive, to live in the potential of our being, creating and enjoying the life we want to live!
Remember: "Life is full of possibilities. Every moment presents an opportunity to fulfil your wildest dreams."
With excitement and antecipation I present this workshop for all the Jade Goddesses (who have done Jade Circle Workshop)
Join me at the:REBIRTH OF THE SELF!
Sunday 9th March 2014 - 10.30am to 6pm
This special workshop is a result of a divine inspiration that flowed through me or Jade Egg, who knows, as was in the Dragon's year, (Jade being the solidified semen of a Dragon) that this inspiration emerged: 
Something absolutely unique to explore the energy of the Wood Element deeper than ever, to have an introduction (or continuing evolution) of the Advance Jade Egg Holistic Practice, with Jade Egg exercises not experienced before! Integration of deep healing and insightful Shamanic Practices, from Taoist tradition and other things I grew up with and learned in my travels around the world... The rebirth ritual and journey created for the occasion - just remember one of the funniest things I heard from one of the dearest Jade Goddesses, that I was a spiritual midwife, heheheh... No, but is with deep commitment and sacredness that I'll hold the space for you to have your 'Rebirth of the Self', which every year makes me assist with all present in blossoming into the fullness of their beauty!!!
Are you getting curious to get to know more what we do? 

The Power of Transformation, the Inner Alchemy Celebration!

To check last year wshop click here
Questions? email me or call me at: 07722566010
© Anamarta
("Rebirth" image by Toni Carmine Salerno)

Friday, 14 February 2014

Feliz Dia dos Namorados ou de São Valentim:

E sabes a origem de São Valentim?
Lupercalia, o Festival Pagão Romano para honrar Lupercus, o Deus da Fertilidade; juntamente com a crença popular que o dia 14 de Fevereiro marcava o início da temporada de acasalamento entre pássaros, garantindo assim que este dia persistisse no imaginário popular como um dia de amor. Esta celebração era também marcada com rituais ancestrais pagãos do amor, do sexo e da fertilidade.

O Dia dos Namorados ou de São Valentim, apesar de ser uma celebração do amor que está se a tornar bastante comercial, eu acredito que O AMOR é sempre uma celebração bonita TODOS OS DIAS, ainda que, esta data nos lembre de prestarmos uma atenção especial a nós próprias!
A minha sugestão é: faz algo por ti!!

(Se tens um parceiro sortudo, sim, com muita sorte por estar contigo, podes partilhar parte ou tudo do que vais fazer e convida-lo/a a juntar-se a ti; ou simplesmente a partilhar o teu belo ser!... Não há nada mais sexy e amável que uma pessoa que está totalmente apaixonado por todo o seu ser: corpo, mente e alma... a outra metade sentir-se-á tão especial por poder fazer parte e adorar-te absolutamente, venerar-te! (de uma forma positiva, estou a falar de amor puro, não de manipulação!... )
Algumas ideias:
  • Existem muitas razões para te amares a ti mesma! Anota num papel 7 coisas que gostas em ti. Coloca este papel num lugar onde vás olhar para ele de vez em quando: no frigorífico, ao lado da tua cama, na tua secretária, no teu altar, na tua carteira, onde quiseres! Ou se preferires escrevê-lo no telefone ou computador, fá-lo de forma a que o encontres de tempos a tempos.
  • Mima-te!... Seja no spa ou em casa, seja um tratamento de cabelo, uma limpeza facial e/ou corporal, mãos e pés, o que te fizer sentir bem! Vai usufruir de uma massagem ou massaja-te a ti própria com os teus cremes ou óleos favoritos!...
** Banhos podem ser super relaxantes, nutritivos e uma óptima maneira para nos centrarmos.
Por que não tomar um banho com algumas pétalas de rosa e algumas gotas dos teus óleos essenciais favoritos, até mesmo com um pouco de sal (sal marinho, sal do Mar Morto, sal dos Himalaias, ou uma mistura), enquanto interiorizas o que escreveste sobre ti própria, enquanto cultivas a tua beleza interior para a teu brilho exterior!
Extras: Velas em redor da banheira, uma fragrância agradável de incenso ou qualquer cheiro que te faça sentir bem e deliciosa. Estás a explorar os sentidos, cultivando a tua sensualidade!... E para algo para a pele, podes adicionar ao banho um pouco de mel (eu optaria por biológico), ou, bem ao estilo Cleópatra, podes adicionar um pouco de leite; se não encontrares leite biológico poderás optar por leite de cabra!
Posso misturar tudo o que mencionei no meu banho? Absolutamente!

Posso fazer isto todos os Dias de São Valentim?
Sempre que te apetecer, pois tu mereces!

© Anamarta

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Love & Full Moon Power this Friday 14th Febuary 2014

Dear ladies,
Filled with love, enthusiasm and good news I write to you.
I believe synchronicity happens to inspire and empower us!
This Friday 14th February, Valentine's, but I'm going to tell what for me makes it quite special this year:
Starting with Friday itself  ruled by Venus, the planet of transcendental beauty, of love, special self-love, sexuality, eroticism, desire, enjoyment, fun, attraction; and the planet which remind us our Divine Feminine within and of the importance of the heart qualities in our evolution.
Keeping our heart open to receive and give love; open our heart to the Divine Love from the Cosmos above and the Unconditional Love from Mother Earth below, letting fill our heart, open ourselves to perceive the world through the windows of our heart - and there is not greater power in the world than love!

Friday is associated as well with Goddess Freya: the Norse Goddess of love, beauty, friendship, reconciliation, fertility, wealth, divination and magic.
A fire Full Moon will be upon us, as it comes in Leo, which is associated with: power, leadership, success, creativity, determination, love relationships, children, our sense of enjoyment of life. And connects with healing to the heart and chest.
As you noticed all the aspects reinforce each other, a special day with love and Full Moon power!
So Valentine's Day, besides is a love celebration, which is being quite commercialised, I believe love is always a beautiful EVERY DAY celebration, but due to the circumstances I mentioned above I believe is worth special attention!
My suggestion is: do something for you!!
(If you have a lucky partner, yes, very lucky to be with you, you can share some or everything you are going to do and invite him/her to join you; or simply to share your beautiful self!... Is nothing more sexy and lovable that a person who is totally in love with her whole being: body, mind and soul... the other half just feel so special to be part of it and absolutely worship you!  (in a positive way, talking about love, not manipulation!...)
Here some ideas:
  • You have many reasons to love yourself! So write down 7 things you love about yourself. Then you put this paper in a place where you are going to look at  it every so often,  in the fridge, beside your bed, your working desk, your shrine, your wallet, wherever! Or if you write it in your phone or computer, have it in a place which you will find time to time. 
  • Pampering yourself!... Whatever in the spa or at home, hair treatment, facial and body scrub, hands and feet, whatever makes you feel good! Have a massage or massaging yourself with your favourite creams or oils!... 
** Baths can be so relaxing, nurturing and centering.
Why note have one with some rose petals and few drops of your favourite essential oils, even with some salt (sea salt, dead sea salt, himalayan salt, or just a mix of them), as you absorb the things you wrote about yourself, as you cultivate your inner beauty for your outer radiance!
Extras: candles around the bath, nice fragrance incense or anything you have that makes you feel good and delicious, you are here in an exploration of senses, yes, cultivating your sensuality!... And something for your skin, you can add to your bath some honey (raw and organic I would go for), as well a Cleopatra style if you add some milk, if not find raw milk (usually just in farmers market), goats milk will do!
Can I mix all you mentioned in my bath? Absolutely!

I can I do this every Friday?
Anytime you feel like it, because you are worth it!
The healing of the heart and chest, anytime as well you feel the need to. Just the moon magic is specific for the Leo Full Moon, (which always occurs between January 21st and February 18th).
  • Healing heart and chest relate with the Leo Moon. A great thing for it is hugging! And here a combination of Healing Sounds, Inner Smile and visualisation can greatly help you with this healing. Try this:
** With your hands connect with your lungs in your chest, be aware of the breath coming and going through your nose, and look inward, and from your lungs any feeling of sadness and grief, you just breath it all in and then all out, let them go with a SSSSSSSSSSS sound, do this as many time as need to feel your lungs cleared of these emotions and then breath in the white light of courage and self-confidence, and imagine, feel, visualise this white light wrapping around your lungs: your bright, healthy lungs, as as you give them a big smile and feel the courage and self-confidence for you to do what you have to do, for you to be yourself! Then you move the hands to connect with your heart, as you delve into it, be aware of any feelings of impatience, hatred and apathy, you just breath it all in and then all out, let them go with a AAAAAHHH sound, again do this as many time as need to feel your heart cleared of these emotions (and any excessive heat from it), and then breath in the red light of love, joy, happiness, motivation, fun, and imagine, feel, visualise this red light wrapping around your heart: your bright, healthy heart, as you give a big smile to your heart and feel the unconditional self-love towards yourself, the joy you can find in everyday life, the innate happiness that begins within, within your heart, smile at your heart feeling vibrantly alive as your heart smiles back to you!
  • Full Moon magic.  
Full Moon is good to cut away everything that no longer serves you. Then relating specific with this Leo Moon, you can light a golden or orange candle, burn oil or incense of frankincense, or cinnamon or orange, repeat an affirmation three times, something you want this moon, based on the Leo virtues, for e.g. enhance your creativity, or image and good fortune, or get stronger and closer bonds with my partner and children... The only thing is to be specific. Here another example and idea for you:
Leo Moon, I bow to you: Give me success in all I do.

I welcome you to join me this Thursday 13th February for Jade Circle Level 1 - All women are welcome!
Click here for details - besides our usual Circle we are going to focus on the coming full moon, taking deeper the healing of heart and chest, along with chi-self massage and the important breast massage for hormonal balance. I will be sharing as well a special Chi Kung for heart and chest and sharing how to connect with the wisdom of your cervix heart (yes, in your Jade Gate, Yoni!)
Some Valentine treats, these e-books are inspiring, insightful, fun, different books, for different tastes or just different times, by my beloved partner Kris Deva North; here they are:
*****  Love to Die For    ***** Zen Tao Tantra  - The links above for easy pdf's download.
***** Taoist Foreplay (paper version) or e-book in amazon - And do you know you don't need to own a Kindle to read Kindle books, with one of the many free apps you can use to read e-books on your Android phone or tablet, iPad, iPhone, Mac, Windows 8 PC or tablet, BlackBerry, or Windows Phone or other device.

Jade Circle workshops programme for this year of action: so no waiting, no hesitating, just go for it!
I believe everything is in it's time, of course... but perhaps the way we define our priorities is not always towards our true selves, as anything we do for us, is a good investment, for our wellbeing, health and enjoyment! I think like this we take the most of our life, we actually create life we want, in tune with our abilities, share them, radiating our happiness and inspiring others to do the same...! And more, light attracts lights, so as you shine you attract what you want and what you need!
So here the Notes for your Diary - workshops, talks and evening circles.
© Anamarta

Amor y Poder de la Luna Llena este viernes 14 de febrero 2014

Queridas Damas,
Llena de amor, entusiasmo y buenas nuevas les escribo.
Creo que la sincronicidad ocurre para inspirarnos y empoderarnos! 
Comenzando el viernes mismo regido por Venus, es un planeta que representa la belleza
trascendental, lleno de amor (sobre todo auto amor), autoestima, erotismo, deseo, diversión, alegría y atracción, y es el Planeta que nos recuerda nuestra divina feminidad con todo y la importancia de las cualidades del corazón en nuestra evolución. 
Manteniendo nuestro corazón abierto para recibir y dar amor, abriendo nuestro corazón al divino amor que viene desde el cosmos, y el amor incondicional de nuestra Madre Tierra, dejemos llenar nuestro corazón, abriéndonos a nosotros mismos para percibir al mundo a través de las ventanas de nuestro corazón – y no hay poder más grande que el amor!
El viernes está asociado con la Diosa Freya: La Diosa del amor, la belleza, la amistad, la reconciliación, la fertilidad, la abundancia, lo divino y la magia.
Una luna de fuego estará sobre nosotros y viene en Leo, lo cual está asociado con: El poder, el liderazgo, el éxito, la creatividad, la determinación, las relaciones amorosas, los niños y nuestro sentido de disfrutar la vida. Y está conectado a la sanación del corazón y el pecho.
Como ya lo has notado todos los aspectos refuerzan a otro, es un día especial con el poder de la luna llena y el amor.
Así que el día de San Valentín es una celebración de amor, que ha sido bastante comercializada, pero bueno, creo yo que el amor es una celebración muy bella y que debe de SER DIARIA, pero dadas las circunstancias que ya mencione anteriormente creo que requiere de una mucho mayor atención.
Aquí hay algunas ideas:
  •  Tu tienes muchas razones para amarte a ti misma! Así que este día escribe 7 cosas que amas de ti misma, después pon ese papel en algún lugar donde lo vas a ver muy seguido, en el refri, a lado de tu cama, en tu escritorio, tu cartera, donde sea incluso en tu celular o tu computadora, ponlo en un lugar que lo veas constantemente.
  • Consiéntete a ti misma! Ya sea en un spa o en tu casa, con un tratamiento de pelo, un facial o cuidar de tus manos y pies, lo que sea que te haga sentir bien. Ve a darte un masaje o dátelo tu mismo con tus aceites y cremas favoritas.  
** Los baños también pueden ser muy relajantes, nutrientes y te ayudarán a estar en tu centro.
Por que no tener uno con algunos pétalos de rosa y poner unas gotas de tus aceites esenciales favoritos, puedes ponerles sal (sal de mar, sal del Himalaya o una mezcla de estos), mientras van sintiendo las cosas que escribiste de ti misma, y cultivas tu belleza interior para así generar tu belleza exterior.
Extras: Puedes poner velas, una fragancia linda de incienso o cualquier cosa que tengas que te haga sentir bien y rico, permítete explorar tus sentidos, cultivando tu sensualidad!… Y algo para tu piel, le puedes añadir a tu baño un poco de miel (virgen y orgánica de preferencia), y hacerlo al estilo de Cleopatra añadiéndole un poco de leche.
Puedo mezclar todo lo que mencionaste en mi baño? Absolutamente si.
¿Lo puedo hacer cada viernes? Siempre que tengas ganas de hacerlo, por que lo mereces!!
La sanación para el pecho y el corazón, hazla siempre que sientas que la necesitas.  
Justo esta magia de la luna, cuando está luna llena en Leo (la cual ocurre siempre entre Enero 21 y Febrero 18.)
  • La sanación de corazón y pecho está relacionada con la luna en Leo, una combinación de Sonidos Sanadores, la Risa Interior y la visualización pueden ayudarte muchísimo con esto. Prueba esto:
** Con tus manos conecta con tus pulmones en el pecho, siente como la respiración entra y sale por tu nariz ve adentro, y si tienes alguna sensación de tristeza y dolor, solo respira y déjala salir, déjala ir con una SSSSSSSSSSSSSS, hazlo las veces que sea necesario y siente como tus pulmones se van limpiando de estas emociones y ahora si, respira la luz blanca de la valentía, la autoconfianza e imagina y visualiza como esta luz envuelve tus pulmones: tus brillantes y saludables pulmones, y después les obsequias una enorme sonrisa y sientes que el valor y la autoconfianza hacen por ti lo que tienen que hace para que tú seas tu mismo. Después, mueve tus manos para conectar con tu corazón, y así mientras lo sientes, está atento a los sentimientos de impaciencia, odio y apatía, ahora solo respira y déjalos ir, déjalos ir con un AAAAHHHHHHHH, y hazlo las veces que sea necesario para sentir que tu corazón está limpio de estas emociones, siente la luz (puedes exhalar cualquier exceso (calor excesivo) que sientas) y ahora si inhala la luz roja del amor: brillo, un corazón sano y le das una hermosa sonrisa interior a tu corazón para que el sienta el auto amor incondicional hacía ti mismo, sonríele y siente como tu corazón esta hermoso y vibrantemente vivo mientras este te devuelve la sonrisa.

** Otra cosa maravillosa para tu corazón y pecho es un abrazo!
  • Luna llena Mágica - Magia de luna llena.
La luna llena es muy buena para cortar todo lo que no te sirve. Y relacionada específicamente con Leo, puedes prender una vela naranja o dorada, quemar incienso de canela o naranja y repetir la afirmación 3 veces algo que quieras pedirle a esta luna, basado en las virtudes de Leo por ejemplo: mejorar tu creatividad, tu imagen o tener mejor fortuna, o ser mas fuerte, o tener lazos mas fuertes con mi pareja y mis hijos. Es importante ser específicos.
Aquí  les dejo una idea: Luna Leo, te pido yo, dame éxito en todo lo que haga.  

Les deseo un tiempo lleno de amor e inspiración, con mucho empoderamiento y una divina celebración! 
 © Anamarta 
Traduccion por Karla Martinez