Namaste, now with one foot in India and another in England, has I enjoy and get fully recharge with the magical Himalayan energy in my last day here and sending you these positive and so nourishing vibrations!
I'm getting so excited for the annual London Jade Circle wshop, cant wait to see and meet these ladies who are so looking forward
and ready for it (I'm loving receiving your enthusiastic emails!), and
yes, for all of you you've been planning and wishing to learn about the
Jade Egg Holistic Practice, don't loose this opportunity, has the wshop
is almost full, just 3 places left, so you can book your place now!
This last days the Beltane was celebrate in UK, this time of celebrating sexuality and fertility;
this powerful and sacred energy of creation, and when I mention
sexuality not in terms of 'sex', but in terms of create the life you
The power of creation is a bless towards all living beings, and as the ancient Taoist believed, as this is the most powerful, healing and Divine energy we have within us, which actually can create life (babies), if we're not using it to create life itself (and yes every time we enjoy our sexual energy is definitely not to have a baby, we may decide have a few, but has women born with between 400 to 600 eggs, obviously we don't use them all... as equally men with a ejaculation can repopulate North America!...), you can use this energy to enhance our own life.
The power of creation is a bless towards all living beings, and as the ancient Taoist believed, as this is the most powerful, healing and Divine energy we have within us, which actually can create life (babies), if we're not using it to create life itself (and yes every time we enjoy our sexual energy is definitely not to have a baby, we may decide have a few, but has women born with between 400 to 600 eggs, obviously we don't use them all... as equally men with a ejaculation can repopulate North America!...), you can use this energy to enhance our own life.
If you would like to explore and know more about the above you are more than welcome to my Talk, next Thursday 9th May in London, and check below for other places in UK (Brighton - and the booking for these wshops kicked already!... Then Harrypotter land, back to Edinburgh and first time going to Berlin!...).
I celebrated the Beltane with our Bagsunag Jade Circle - click here to read more about it.
Looking forward to welcome you on:
Thursday 9th May - 6.45 to 8.45pm
Free Awareness Talk, Open To All Women, to present the:
Jade Egg Holistic Practice and women's sexual reflexology, together with some practice for health and wellbeing that you can integrate and immediately apply in your daily life.
(This Talk is the beginning of the Jade Circle workshop for the ones who booked it, although is open to all women; even the ones who have not yet signed up, or/and any friends or family you want to bring along with you).
At Lift : 45 White Lion Street - London, N1 9PW
Thursday 9th May - 6.45 to 8.45pm
Free Awareness Talk, Open To All Women, to present the:
Jade Egg Holistic Practice and women's sexual reflexology, together with some practice for health and wellbeing that you can integrate and immediately apply in your daily life.
(This Talk is the beginning of the Jade Circle workshop for the ones who booked it, although is open to all women; even the ones who have not yet signed up, or/and any friends or family you want to bring along with you).
At Lift : 45 White Lion Street - London, N1 9PW
Practical practice for inner harmony, grounding and centering, unconditional self-love and acceptance, hormonal balance, vitality, empowerment and fulfilment in all levels of your being: from mental to emotional, spiritual to sexual.
Saturday 11th thru' Monday 13th May - 10am to 5.30pm (on Monday 9.30am to 4pm)
JADE CIRCLE Workshop - Taoist Inner Alchemy of Yin and Yang (Special Yin Step 1)
Jade Circle, symbolising the mysterious feminine, presents a unique workshop to welcome all women willing to learn about the Jade Egg Holistic Practice.
Open the door to the mastery of the foundation Taoist practices, Yin (specific women) Practice, Kuan Yin Chi Kung and the secrets of the Jade Egg! Learn more
By evolving the path of self-healing and self-mastery you live life to the full!
- Brighton - Friday 31st May thru Sunday 2nd June - Contact Christine at: 07812 941017 or email
- Edinburgh, Scotland - Saturday 8th June thru Monday 10th June - Contact Elena at: 07952 718968 or email
- Berlin, Germany - Saturday 15th thru Monday 17th June - Contact Petra at: +49 15785600206 or email
Jade Circle Level 2 will be on Thursday 23rd May, more inf. will be update soon in the events page - with all Summer Jade Circle dates.
Do you like us already in Facebook
See you there!
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